Week two for the largest prison strike in US history
As many as 20,000 US prisoners are going into their second week on strike against forced labor and inhumane prison conditions, though the US prison system has locked down the centers of the strike,...
View ArticleThis simple timeline puts the long, long history of slavery in perspective
The Twitter account @gloed_up shared this historical meme: https://twitter.com/gloed_up/status/816713109029191684
View ArticleYale's college will no longer bear the name of a slaver, from now on, it's...
Yale's Calhoun College was named for the South Carolina politician John C Calhoun, a Yale alum and notorious enslaver and advocate of slavery; this was, understandably, controversial. (more…)
View ArticleAmnesty: hackers spent months building personas used to phish Qatari labor...
In a new report, Amnesty International summarizes the security research they did on the victims of a sophisticated phishing attack aimed at Qatari labor activists, dubbed "Operation Kingphish." (more…)
View ArticleWest African migrants are kidnapped and sold in Libyan slave markets
The UN's International Organization for Migration says that human traffickers paid to smuggle migrants out of sub-Saharan Africa are selling their "clients" to slavers in Libya, who ransom them to...
View ArticleListen: Voice recordings of black slaves
This video of the January 12, 1999 broadcast of Nightline is really quite remarkable. It shares clips of voice recordings made in the mid-twentieth century of black people born into U.S. slavery....
View ArticleHaribo: sweetened with forced labor and abused animals
https://youtu.be/KOtmkIFsEAE In "The Haribo Check," aired on German public broadcast ARD, a documentary team audits Haribo's supply chain and finds "modern day slaves" in Brazil working to harvest...
View ArticleApril Ryan asks Sarah Huckabee-Sanders if the White House thinks slavery is...
Huckabee-Sanders smirks and walks off after being repeatedly asked if "this administration thinks slavery is wrong?" by journalist April Ryan. In support of White House Chief of Staff Kelly's...
View ArticleHow to investigate and report on modern slavery
Thalia Holmes summarizes the "Exposing Human Trafficking and Forced Labor" panel at the 10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Johannesburg, where veteran reporters who've broken major...
View Article"But slavery was so long ago"
Originally commissioned as a wrist tattoo, the simple and powerful chart showing how recent black freedom is in America is now also a t-shirt. "...but slavery was sooo long ago." We've heard this quote...
View ArticleReport estimates over 400,000 slaves currently live in the US
Based on their 2018 Global Slavery Index, the Walk Free Foundation estimates there are about 403,000 humans living in the United States under conditions that meet the definition of slavery. That's part...
View ArticleDouglas Rushkoff's sobering view of Universal Basic Income
In a new essay, Douglas Rushkoff examines Universal Basic Income, writing that it's not a gift but a "scam" and a "tool for our further enslavement." Here's a snippet: To the rescue comes UBI. The...
View ArticleAfter 150 years, Runaway Negro Creek finally has a new name
The US Board on Geographic Names has officially renamed Runaway Negro Creek on Savannah, Georgia's Skidaway Island. It's now called Freedom Creek. Last year, State Sen. Lester Jackson sponsored the...
View ArticleTa-Nehisi Coates makes the case for reparations to Congress
It's been five years since Ta-Nehisi Coates's groundbreaking The Case for Reparations ran in The Atlantic; yesterday, Coates appeared before Congress to celebrate Juneteenth with a barn-burning...
View ArticleBill O'Reilly sums up American history perfectly in two tweets, doesn't...
Sometimes, even a malicious idiot like Bill O'Reilly says something pure and true and correct. Not that he realizes it, mind you. At 11:55 AM - 24 Jun 2019, @BillOReilly tweeted: Slavery reparations is...
View ArticleFrederick Douglass: What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?
1852: "This, for the purpose of this celebration, is the Fourth of July. It is the birthday of your National Independence, and of your political freedom. This, to you, is what the Passover was to the...
View ArticleTrailer for new Harriet Tubman biopic
Born into slavery, Harriet Tubman (1822-1913) escaped to be become one of the most heroic and effective activists and abolitionists leading up to the American Civil War and after. Her courageous...
View ArticleThe real meaning of plantation tours: American Downton Abbey vs American...
There's a viral review of a southern plantation tour making the rounds in which a white person complains that the tour was "extremely disappointing" because of the "lecture on how the white people...
View ArticleThe Folio Society is releasing a gorgeous edition of Octavia Butler's "Kindred"
Octavia Butler (previously), the brilliant Afrofuturist, McArthur Genius Grant-winning science fiction writer, died far, far too soon, leaving behind a corpus of incredible, voraciously readable...
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